
Yul-Gok is a pseudonym of a great philosopher and scholar Yi I (1536 – 1584) nicknamed the “Confucius of Korea.”

38 moves

4 kihaps

Note: “North” means the direction the student is facing before the form begins (usually the front of the room). Stances are described according to the foot in front (e.g. “left back stance” means a back stance with the left foot in front).

  1. Step out west with left foot into riding stance still facing north; slowly extend left hand punch,
  2. Combination right hand punch,
  3. Then left hand punch; Kihap
  4. Bring left foot in and then step out east with right foot into riding stance while still facing north; slowly extend right hand punch,
  5. Combination left hand punch,
  6. Then right hand punch,
  7. Bring right foot in then step out diagonally to northeast in right front stance; inside block,
  8. Back leg front kick with left leg, then land in left front stance facing northeast;
  9. Combination front hand punch,
  10. Then back hand punch,
  11. Pick up front foot and turn to left front stance facing northwest; inside block,
  12. Back leg front kick with right leg, then land in right front stance facing northwest,
  13. Combination front hand punch,
  14. Then back hand punch,
  15. Pick up front foot and turn to right front stance facing north; slow palm pushing block with front hand,
  16. Slow palm pushing block with left hand,
  17. Front hand punch (right hand),
  18. Step forward into left front stance facing north; slow palm pushing block with front hand,
  19. Slow palm pushing block with back hand,
  20. Front hand punch (left hand),
  21. Step forward into right front stance; front hand punch; Kihap
  22. Pick up back leg and chamber side kick to north while performing closed-hand guarding block,
  23. Side kick to the north;
  24. Land in left front stance; back hand horizontal elbow strike into palm,
  25. Pick up back leg spin and chamber side kick to south while performing closed-hand guarding block,
  26. Side kick to the south;
  27. Land in right front stance; back hand horizontal elbow strike into palm,
  28. Pull back leg up then step into left back stance to the east; open-handed twin outer forearm block,
  29. Step forward into right front stance facing east; supported spear finger,
  30. Pick up front leg and turn into right back stance facing west; open-handed twin outer forearm block,
  31. Step forward into left front stance facing west; supported spear finger,
  32. Pick up front leg and turn to left front stance facing south; front hand out forearm block,
  33. Combination back hand punch,
  34. Step forward into right front stance facing south; front hand out forearm block,
  35. Combination back hand punch,
  36. Jump forward into left twist stance (left foot flat); left hand back fist; Kihap,
  37. Pick up right leg and turn around into right front stance facing east; double front block,
  38. Bring front foot in, then step with left foot out into left front stance facing east; double front block; Kihap