
Joong-Gun is named after the patriot Ahn Joong-Gun who assassinated Hiro-Bumi Ito, the first Japanese resident governor-general of Korea. There are 32 movements in this pattern to represent Mr. Ahn’s age when he was executed in a Lui-Shung prison (1910)

32 moves

3 kihaps

Note: “North” means the direction the student is facing before the form begins (usually the front of the room). Stances are described according to the foot in front (e.g. “left back stance” means a back stance with the left foot in front).

    1. Step out west into left back stance; open handed inside block,
    2. Stationary front kick with the front leg,
    3. Step forward into cat stance while bringing the right hand in an upward palm block; Kihap
    4. Bring right foot in then step out with right foot east into right back stance; open handed inside block,
    5. Stationary front kick with the front leg,
    6. Step forward into cat stance while bringing the left hand in an upward palm block,
    7. Step north with left foot into back stance; twin knifehand guarding block,
    8. Stance shift with the front foot into front stance; back hand upward elbow strike,
    9. Step north into right back stance; twin knifehand guarding block,
    10. Stance shift with the front foot into front stance; back hand upward elbow strike,
    11. Step forward into left front stance; double face punch,
    12. Step forward into right front stance; double upset punch; Kihap
    13. Half step turn around into left front stance facing south; closed hand high cross block,
    14. Bring front foot in and then step out to left back stance to the east; front hand back fist,
    15. Twist the fist away and pull downward as if breaking a grip; shift front foot into front stance as you do so,
    16. Back hand face punch,
    17. Bring front foot in and then step out to right back stance to the west; front hand back fist,
    18. Twist the fist away and pull downward as if breaking a grip; shift front foot into front stance as you do so,
    19. Back hand face punch,
    20. Bring front foot in and then step into left front stance facing south; double front forearm block,
    21. Bring front foot in and then step out again into left back stance; front hand punch,
    22. Back leg side kick,
    23. Land in right front stance facing south; double front forearm block,
    24. Bring front foot in and then step out again into right back stance; front hand punch,
    25. Back leg side kick,
    26. Land in left back stance facing south; twin closed hand guarding block,
    27. Shift front foot into front stance; double pressing palm block in a slow motion,
    28. Step forward into right back stance facing south; twin closed hand guarding block,
    29. Shift front foot into front stance; double pressing palm block in a slow motion,
    30. Bring back foot up and step into upright parallel stance facing east; right hand hook punch,
    31. Step out with right foot to the east into right back stance; stick block,
    32. Bring front foot in and then step out with left foot to the west into left back stance; stick block; Kihap