Suh-Kang Ei

This is the second form created by Grandmaster Suh Chong Kang. When asked for the meaning, it is enough to say, “Grandmaster’s father’s second form.” This form is not one of the standard ITF forms.

41 moves

4 kihaps

  1. Step left into a left back stance facing west; double knifehand guarding block,
  2. Stance shift into left front stance facing west; back hand punch; Kihap,
  3. Back leg roundhouse kick with right leg to the west,
  4. Place leg down and then execute turning side kick with left leg to the west,
  5. Place leg down in left back stance facing west; front hand knifehand block,
  6. Back hand punch at 45 degree angle,
  7. Pull front foot in and then step with right leg into back stance facing east; double knifehand guarding block,
  8. Stance shift into right front stance facing east; back hand punch,’
  9. Back leg roundhouse kick with left leg to the east,
  10. Place leg down and then execute turning side kick with right leg to the east,
  11. Place leg down in right back stance facing east; front hand knifehand block,
  12. Back hand punch at 45 degree angle,
  13. Bring right foot in and then step north with left foot into front stance facing north; low block,
  14. Remaining in place, combination high block with same hand,
  15. Back leg roundhouse with right foot to north,
  16. Land and then execute turning hook kick to north with left foot,
  17. Land and then execute back leg roundhouse to north with right foot,
  18. Land in right back stance facing north; inside block,
  19. Staying in place, front hand low block,
  20. Back hand punch at 45 degree angle; Kihap,
  21. Swing back (left) foot out into left front stance facing south; front block,
  22. Back hand punch,
  23. Back leg roundhouse kick with right leg to the south,
  24. Pump side kick with right leg,
  25. Lower right leg down and then raise left leg up into standing side kick to the south,
  26. Lower left leg down and then execute right leg roundhouse kick to the south,
  27. Land in right back stance facing south; low block,
  28. Staying in place, combination high block,
  29. Back hand punch at 45 degree angle; Kihap,
  30. Pull right leg in and then step out with left leg, rotating counter-clockwise into left back stance facing west; twin knifehand guarding block,
  31. Stance shift into left front stance facing west; back hand punch,
  32. Back leg roundhouse kick with right leg to the west,
  33. Place leg down and then execute turning side kick with left leg to the west,
  34. Place leg down in left back stance facing west; front hand knifehand block,
  35. Back hand punch at 45 degree angle,
  36. Pull front foot in and then step with right leg into back stance facing east; double knifehand guarding block,
  37. Stance shift into right front stance facing east; back hand punch,’
  38. Back leg roundhouse kick with left leg to the east,
  39. Place leg down and then execute turning side kick with right leg to the east,
  40. Place leg down in right back stance facing east; front hand knifehand block,
  41. Back hand punch at 45 degree angle, Kihap.